On October 29th 2020 welaunched The Fringe Coffee House to employ those who have  experienced incarceration, 
addiction or homelessness and a few years later, the non-profit  Fringe Industries. Fringe Industries provides second 
chance employment, housing, sober living and more. Our shop is also the largest indoor street-art gallery in 
Butler County, Ohio.  For more info visit: www.fringeindustries.org


Every Wednesday we also lead the holistic, faith-based music therapy program, "Scars and Bars" 
in Butler County Jail, and various state-wide prison events. This 10 week program addresses 
the root causes of destructive behavior and helps move those involved towards healing and 
wholeness. The program also seeks to restore value, dignity and worth to each individual 
involved by helping them find their voice, share their stories and re-imagine their future. Our 
program is reducing violence in Ohio prisons and those who go through the program 
and connect with us upon release have an over 80% success rate of not returning to prison. 
We are always looking for volunteers, if you're interested shoot us a message! 

We do recover. Every week over 300 people fill one of our 5 recovery meetings. God is moving mightily in the 
lives of those battling addiction and in recovery. We believe Jesus loves the addict and those in recovery 
and that revival and genuine spiritual awakening  can and will come through the most unlikely people.
Our newest meeting is every Monday at 6:30PM!

 The Fringe Riders
The Fringe Riders are a group of bikers and non-bikers committed to meeting
people right where they are at developing caring relationships with those they come in
contact with and gaining permission to share the good news of Jesus in a non-threatening
manner. We do this through Slim's Run: making sack lunches and delivering them
to the children and families of Hamiltons 2nd ward area, various community outreaches
and being a life-giving presence all through out our city and region.
For more info: patrick@thefringehamilton.com