"The Fringe Church exists to live out the way of Jesus, reach the lost and love, empower and build kinship with those 
on the fringes of our society wherever we find them.  We are business owners and felons, doctors and recovering
ex-addicts, teachers, artists and college students, construction workers and engineers,  lower, middle and 
upper class and everything in between. We're an odd bunch, some would say we don't go together, 
but in Jesus we've all checked our identity, titles and differences at the door.

We are a come as you are church, not come until we find out church. 
We are committed to the slow work of God in our lives and anyone who walks through our doors. 

Our Father waits patiently looking over the horizon of our world for His lost sons and daughters 
everywhere to return to Him from whatever “fringe” they've found themselves in.